A Role-Playing Podcast


The team, and friends, introduce you to some of our personal role-playing experiences, our favourite systems and characters, and share our thoughts on a variety of role-playing topics.


We talk with players, Games Masters, writers, and designers, and take a look at a range of source material, adventures, and digital resources available, as well as the latest news.


Join our players and their characters as they embark on journeys into the mysterious and unknown in recordings from One-Shot adventures and Campaigns in various role-playing systems.



Wandering Monsters is a part of The Games Table. The Games Table is a small organisation dedicated to board gaming and role playing based in South Wales. We provide in-person gaming at the Game Stable Studio at our base in Rudry, where we currently run a weekly board gaming group and three weekly/fortnightly D&D groups. We also provide facilities for other groups and organisation who wish to record their games in audio and video. 

We are currently developing a number of board games and RPG ideas, and hope to be at the UKGE at the NEC this year to reveal some of what we are up to

You  can find out more about The Games Table, and the other work we are involved in at thegamestable.org


I am the father of this father/son team and I have been involved on and off with role-playing games for around forty five years.

I first played Dungeons and Dragons in 1977 when I got my hands on a copy of the D&D Basic Set. Two years later I had in my possession the Monster Manual, The Players Handbook, and the Dungeon Masters Guide. 

Despite checking out a variety of other systems; Traveller, Tunnels & Trolls, Gangbusters, Top Secret, Pathfinder, and also taking a detour for some years into tabletop miniatures wargaming in Napoleonics, ECW and WWII, It was Dungeons and Dragons that provided the best experience and the system that I came back to in the following years.

From the late 1990s up until the present time, my focus shifted somewhat to board gaming and I have brought together a collection of more than 450 games, of all types and varieties.

Sometime around 2015/2016 a chance conversation with a friend got me browsing for D&D and since then I have been getting back into my original role-playing passion, and discovering VTTs digital resources online character creators and a myriad of other resources that I could only have dreamed of as a Dungeon Master back in the 1970s.

Recently I have been running games online in both D&D 5e and the Kids On Bikes systems, and have been working on a new campaign using the Mothership ruleset.

Primarily a Dungeon Master I enjoy the blend of the traditional theatre of the mind, the immersive nature of digital systems, and like to run games with relatively low-level characters, where brute force, a backpack full of HPs and a plethora of spells won’t see you through to the end of the adventure.


Something relatively interesting to come here.

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